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sri krishna

Sri krishna has eight wife's married them in various circumstances later narakasura was a king who used to torture the people in kingdom with his miss deeds and impression's thousand gopikas in his prisson he attacks sri krishna  kingdom for war in that war sri krishna participate along with his wife sathyabhama and sthyabha kills narakasura in thar war.  

parijatha apharanam, sri krishna tulabaram, krishna and tulasi leafe ,parijatham flower tree


APPANNA SWAMY , Parvathi ,Hima putri

Goddess will be incarnated as daughter of hima raja and wishes to marry shiva .Then hima putri asks permission of her parents to grant her permission to go to forest and pray for shiva. Then they grant her permission then apparna devi or hima putri leaves to forest and start prayin shiva , then lord shiva comes to test her as a small boy and shouts that crocodile had caught his leg and shout for help.Then aparna devi reaches there and asks crocodile to leave the boy. Then crocodile in return asks for the power she got from praying then apparna devi give it to crocodile then it leaves boy. Then the boy will turn in to shiva and grants her wish to marry him .Then apparna devi tells him that he should ask permission of her parents to marry her .Then god shiva asks her to return home then he will come and ask her parents for her hand. Then parvathi devi returns home lord shiva will send mediators to ask her parents for their daughters hand.By listening this news hima raja and

sri krishna lelalu

Lord krishna was born in prison and brought up in Rapalle as yashodha son . In repalle lord krishna and his brother balarama were used to take cows for grassing in grass land. Then sri krishna used to collect the cloths of gopikas bathing in river and sit on the tree and play flute then gopikas used to pray him to give their cloths bake in return for cheese. Then krishna used to return their cloths. 

Mathaya avathara

sri maha vishnu incarnated as mathya rupa to protect vedas and saved them by doing so. At first he was a small fish.Once when king went for surya namskara he saw him and fish was talking he asked king to protect him in return he will help king when he need him. So king protected him and when fish grown up leaves in to water . Once great storm occurs then fish protects vedas and king and his men by taking form of big ship and carry to protected place.

Gopalaka , krishna

Lord krishna was born in prison and brought up in Rapalle as yashodha son . In repalle lord krishna and his brother balarama were used to take cows for grassing in grass land and in that time krishna used to leave cows for gassing and used to use his flute to call them back in evening . So he is calle gopalaka and gorakshaka.

GOVARDHONDHARA , govardhana giri, sri krishna

Once up on a time people in Repalle are preparing the thing to offer to lord Indra for the sake of good rains and food for their cows. But then little krishna told them about that they should offer things to govardhana giri  because it is giving food to cows and stopping clouds to rain, the people in repalle also agrees and offer thing to govardhana giri . Then lord indra gets angered and rains stones on the repalle . Then lord srikrishna lifts govardhana giri with his left had little finger then all the cows,calf's and people runs under the govardhana giri .The rain will be continued for several days after that lord indra accepts his fault to krishna and stops rain, From then lord krishna is called govardhonodhara.

498 A case filed by woman, case

                                                                          498 A