498 A case filed by woman, case

                                                                          498 A 

Hi if you had filed 498 a against your husband and in laws you should read this ,

 1) Try maximum for making circumstances in such a way that without filing case.
 2) Try to make problem solve with counseling.
 3) Try to take advice of  psychiatrist and even you can attend for counseling sessions.

Try your best because after filling case you have to be very strong mentally ,physically , economically.

After all trails even then the harassment goes on like abusing you mentally , physically and also harassing you for economical befits and commenting you and your parents for not giving costly lavish gifts.

Then go to the Police Station and explain them all the bad things you have faced in your in laws house.But along with you, you should also take your supporter that witnessed all this. Before filling case you must be in such position that they will never change and they are wanted doing so.

There was also one thing in this that most of the people do not convey that after filling 498 A most of  the case will lead to divorce.

To fight with this section with in-laws is most difficult because,

1) Already the most time will be given them to distract all the evidences in such away that we do not immediately file case   first of all we ask to solve situation with so called dirty people like home we call well known in society.
2) After case has filled enough time will be given to your in laws they visit every house that you can gather your witness and they will convince them that your behavior and character is bad and also threaten all of them.
3)Next there will be no evidence against them because most people are afraid to attend courts they treat attending courts as ashamed and also they think why to waste their time revolving around courts.
4)Then comes some type of in laws and husbands that they like to run their wife around courts that they know that nothing will happen to them and they like to waste the woman life for stepping in to their home.
5)In the other case where the evidences are strong then they go for immediate settlement with money for not filing case.
6)The success rate in this case is so low which is not known to many woman because bring evidence for what had done in home was so hard to prove.

This was the main reason that woman even know face lot of problem even have laws.

After this case has completed woman life
1)She will be asked not to attend any functions,
but men how cheated will have good respect in society.
2)If she do not have job she has to lead hard life at the mercy of others.As unemployment rate is high.
3)She has to lead hard life through out life.
4)The success rate of other marriage will be low.
5)She will be blamed for her bad luck.


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